Among other intriguing speakers, you can listen to the Austrian company Ecop with their patented rotating heat pump technology for industrial use!
WHEN: December 15th 10-12
WHERE: Digitally via Zoom
LAST DAY TO SIGN UP: December 9th*
*To be a part of the WIN participant list you need to register for the event no later than December 9. However, last chance for ordering a ticket is December 13.
More to come…
As Europe is preparing for a cold winter the Europeans have been increasingly aware of the need to be more energy efficient. Energy saving solutions will be required for our offices, our industries and our homes and in a time frame that we never could have foreseen.
We will need energy saving inventions at the same time as new innovations in energy storage, smart grids, and more efficient electricity generation technologies have to be developed.
The event will give you some inspirational presentations on technologies that could help us save energy. We have planned for two hours of presentations from innovation companies, engaging discussions and interesting online matchmaking opportunities.