Become a WIN Water partner to get innovative solutions to problems you haven’t yet discovered. Create Your innovation pathway with the dedicated WIN teams competence and a unique networking methodology.
Member of WIN
Member of WIN
Do you want to become a member of WIN? What is in it for you? As a member of WIN you will get….
- access to inspiring WIN meetings with active matchmaking.
- unique interaction possibilities with other partners and innovation companies
- insights and participate in joint evaluation of new technologies
- meetings with thoroughly selected innovation companies and start-ups
- business intelligence, market update and tech-scouting
- possibility to host and set agenda for WIN meetings and workshops
- visionary and disruptive development projects, co-created by WINs unique tools
As a member of WIN we also support you with for instance organizing your online events, scouting a specific technology or initiating a project application. Just give us a call and our WIN Team will support you in the best possible way.
Since 2012 WIN has created concrete results for more than 100 partners and innovation companies.
Innovation companies
Become a member of a partner marketplace that promotes your specific business area.
We involve industry, publicly held companies, public authorities, scientists and other startups who share a common goal to accelerate change in your business area.
Advantages are many and include:
- The opportunity to pitch your company innovation to the marketplace
- Access business knowledge/intelligence from a group of bright minds with experience in your specific business area.
- Advice and coaching from the experienced WIN team
- Participating in common activities such as applications, projects and testbeds.
- Participating in trade fairs and other events at a common WIN stand.
Join WIN partner marketplace in the areas of Water/Energy/Public safety. Each marketplace involves industry, publicly held companies, public authorities, scientists and startups – all sharing a common goal to accelerate change in these business areas. Benefits of becoming a partner of WIN include:
- Access to WIN meetings with active matchmaking
- The opportunity to address your specific needs to the WIN marketplace and get help in solving them.
- The opportunity to interact and participate in projects with other partners and innovation companies
- Participating in joint evaluation of new technologies
- Meeting carefully selected innovation companies
- Access to business intelligence, market updates and tech-scouting
- Participate, host and set the agenda for WIN meetings, workshops and innovation labs
- Participate in cutting-edge visionary development projects
Terms of Partnership
WIN Water – Yearly partner fee is 65 000 SEK (approx. 6 500 Eur) and “in kind”-support to a value of max 50 000 SEK. (*) The partner fee includes shared memebership in international networks, for instance in TAG – Technology Approval Group (**)
(*) The in kind support is a business activity e.g. testing innovations, technical verification, market verification, participating in a meeting with an innovation company. It is our way of making sure that you as a partner company get the full value out of the partnership. We will never measure your in kind support but we will always expect that you as a partner for instance welcome one of our innovation companies to one-to-one meeting.
(**) Technology Approval Group (TAG) is a global innovation forum of the world’s leading water utilities, directed by Isle Utilities in the UK. WIN Water Partners get access to TAG meetings and an extensive database with SWEs and evaluated water technology solutions.
Why water innovation?
We believe in increasing the speed of change within the water area. The world is in constant change and we think we always should try to be one step ahead to handle the challenges we face in society, all over the world. 663 million people lack access to drinking water.