WIN is growing!

Sep 22, 2021

 | WIN Energy, WIN Guard, WIN Water

July 2021 marked the start for SSEC as a part of WIN Innovation Platform. WIN takes on board the food sustainability project, expanding towards new grounds. The ownership and coordinating role of SSEC is transferred from SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) to WIN Innovation Platform.

“We are pleased that SSEC choose to move operations to our platform. We see big potential in this project. SSEC is a perfect complement to our existing work in sustainable innovation.” Says Maria Sätherström Lantz, CEO of WIN.

About SSEC

SSEC is a contract-based network constituted of both public and private actors. It is a network that enables sustainable food production and better living environments by using residual heat and other untapped resources.

Expertise from aquaculture and horticulture along with companies in the areas of technology and energy are brought together with public actors, unitedly working for a constant improvement of the utilization of residual resources within the food industry.

Future plans

Bengt Fellbe has been leading the SSEC project and will continue as project leader, which will ensure the continuity onwards. Bengt contributes with a wide network and knowledge in food production and the use of untapped resources.

Members of SSEC will now benefit from the expertise WIN possess in areas of water and energy along with the advantage of belonging to a large and growing network with members from these industries, nationally and globally.

The future for SSEC looks bright with some exciting news to bring, there among further collaborations with leading actors in the industry.

“Our focus on circular and sustainable food production benefits strongly from the WIN network. Energy and water are areas of expertise within WIN and these same areas form the basis in food production. Being a part of WIN clearly strengthen our competence in important areas for sustainable food production.” Says Bengt Fellbe, Manager SSEC

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