
We initiate and participate in various co-creation projects to get your concepts to market in the fastest possible way. Vinnova, Horizon and Tillväxtverket are some external funding agencies that can offer you financial support. Contact us if you want to initiate a project.


Your company can initiate and take part in interesting co-creation projects together with a dedicated WIN team. Our concept for generating new, interesting ideas gets disruptive solutions to the market as fast as possible. Read more at WIN Innovation Studio and WIN Innovation Consortia




2019 – current

A solution most likely implemented as an IT application to automatically monitor and manage individual personnel competencies and gaps by collecting data from digital education, training modules and programs. It maks competence levels and gaps visible to both co-workers and managers.

PartnersMSB, Räddningstjänsten Väst, Räddningstjänsten Östra Götaland, Räddningstjänsten Skåne Nordväst, Räddningstjänsten Storgöteborg, Södertörns räddningstjänst and Storstockholms brandförsvar.

For more information, contact Magnus Ingelsten:


Bringing together stakeholders for a more sustainable heavy rescue vehicle in the future.

PartnersRäddningstjänsten StorgöteborgBrandkåren AttundaLondon Fire BrigadeRäddningstjänsten Syd and MSB (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency).

WIN Guard gathered a number of rescue services, manufacturers and researchers in the autumn of 2017 to discuss options for environmentally friendly rescue vehicles.

The goal is to define a common description of a heavy vehicle without getting caught up in technical specifications. The group’s ambition is to include more rescue services than those participating in the project group. The focus should be on being environmentally, economically and ergonomically sustainable.

For more information, contact Johan Persson:


2019 – current

 How challenges like capability gaps can be solved and how can we become more efficient in Fire and Rescue departments by adding digital solutions, IoT or AI.

For more information, contact Magnus Ingelsten:


This project is in an early phase, more information to come.

2018 – current

A project focusing on mobilizing and coordinating volunteers in emergency situations

How could we integrate volunteer capacity in an emergency situation? What kind of platforms can we use to get volunteers to sign up and give rapid response in a situation and how could the process be coordinated?

PartnersMissing PeopleRäddningtjänst Syd and more members of WIN Guard.

For more information, contact Johan Persson:

Full scale test of methodologies, treatment of PFAS in water


Supervision and technical support for full scale field tests, measures, methodologies, and techniques to reduce PFAS in water.

For more information, contact Ola Hansson:

Aqua Hub

2019 – ongoing

WIN Water is currently involved in developing Aqua Hub, an innovation hub and a meeting place that acts as a testbed for innovative solutions regarding purification/recycling of water at different quality levels. Aqua Hub takes place in connection with new establishments around a park in Lund and is a collaboration with property owners, the business office and technical departments in Lund municipality and VASYD.

For more information, contact Ola Hansson:


WIN is working in REWAISE, REsilient WAter Innovation for Smart Economy, an EU project starting in autumn 2020. WIN’s role is to connect innovators with problem owners or developers to find smart, sustainable solutions in urban development.

2020- ongoing

For more information, contact Ola Hansson:

Water Reuse, ZLD Alfa Laval


WIN has initiated and supported the innovation process and concept selection for new technologies to enhance water reuse and Zero Liquid Discharge on a global level on behalf of Alfa Laval. It is implementated locally at service centres in the Middle East and Africa.

For more information, contact Ola Hansson:

Circular water management at Hertsö Industry Park


Together with the client, WIN made a visionary study on how to implement circular water management for process water at a greenfield planned industrial park outside Luleå, in the north of Sweden.  The study included workshops and interviews with several stakeholders and decisionmakers. It brought up ideas for further implementation of industrial symbiosis.

For more information, contact Ola Hansson:


SSEC is a contract-based network constituted of both public and private actors. It is a network that enables sustainable food production and better living environments by using residual heat and other untapped resources.

Expertise from aquaculture and horticulture along with companies in the areas of technology and energy are brought together with public actors, unitedly working for a constant improvement of the utilization of residual resources within the food industry.

2021- ongoing

For more information, contact Bengt Fellbe:

Early detection of fire hazards in bio mass


Many fires have occurred in bio mass over the world and apart from financial loss and air pollutions, huge resources are drained from the fire brigades.  Bio mass (wood chip, wood pellet, tree bark and rests recycling) are used often for the non-fossil power plants energy production, is prone to self ignition due to both microbiological and chemical processes accelerated by humidity and oxygen.

Win Guard together with Linköpings Universitet and RISE, is working together in a project sponsored by Brandforsk, EON and Kraftringen, to research if AI and new technologies is the answer to early detection and maybe also prediction of fires in bio mass.  

WIN Guard did submit an application to Brandforsk for research funding  within the topic “Fire safety in the sustainable society” and was finally awarded the funding in October 2021. The project shall be ended in March of 2022.

Linköpings Universitet, RISE, MSB, Räddningstjänsten Östra Götaland, EON, Kraftringen and innovators.

For more information, contact Magnus Ingelsten


2022 – current

“Management and purification of contaminated extinguishing water” is a project managed by WIN Guard on behalf of MSB (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency), in cooperation with NUC (National Development Center) and Verklighetslabbet (MSB). WIN Guard manages the scouting of suitable innovations in this project.

Emissions from extinguishing water into nature or drains can lead to failure of important biological purification in treatment plants. Fresh water wells etc. can be put out of use for a long time if they are contaminated with toxins from extinguishing water.

The project mission is to investigate possible ways to separate, collect, test and purify extinguishing water in a time effective manner where every drop matters. Environmental impact and risk assessment for firefighters are other reasons why this is an important project.

The project goal is to identify best practices in the handling of extinguishing water at the scene of accident. This is done by testing and proposing solutions that idealy can be brought on fire trucks and implement them in the routine work of the fire and rescue services. The requirements of new solutions include easy usage, durability and economically favorable. Solutions involving purification on site is valuable due to the costs of collection, transport and destruction otherwise involved. Since water is used in large quantities during extinguishing operations, re-circulation with filtration or purification must also be considered due to the limited supply of water that fire hydrants.

We invite both rescue services and innovation companies to present us with suggestions and input. We continuously test solutions at local rescue services and will be presenting at the Uppsala conference “Skadeplats 2022”. We are also inviting companies for testing and evaluation at the MSB testing grounds at Revinge, Skåne in October 2022. The project runs from August 2022 and November 2022.

In addition, we welcome ideas regarding usage of already existing equipment as well as knowledge of products in need of supplementing.


For further information, contact:

Previous projects


2017, Tillväxtverket, BSR Stars, Innovation Express
Partners: Vinnova, HaV, Tillväxtverket.
BSR Stars S3 is an international project that seeks to enhance sustainable growth opportunities in the Baltic Sea Region, focusing on the fields of bio-, circular and digital economy.
Innovation Express represents a common approach for supporting the internationalisation of SMEs through cluster initiatives. It is a joint call for proposals implemented within the framework of the BSR Stars programme – a flagship of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.


Partners: WIN – Water Innovation Accelerator (Sweden), Clean Water Norway and Novago Business Development Ltd (Finland).
The aim of WIN Nordic is to expand the WIN – Water Innovation Accelerator – platform into a Nordic platform for new solutions in water management. The idea is to facilitate for startup companies wanting to enter an international market by starting on a stable Nordic home market.


2015-2016, 2017-2019
Partners: SWR (Sweden Water Research), Vinnova.
INFORMATION AND DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM – So a sustainable city can control its water flows without floods and untreated wastewater.


NEPTUNE is a European Union funded innovation action which brings together the expertise of 12 partners from 7 European countries. The project offer entrepreneurs and SMEs in the Blue Growth sector opportunities to fund their projects, get business development support and support the creation of new cross-sectoral value chains by creating new networks and contacts.
Partners: EU, Aerospace Valley, WIN, the NEPTUNE Blue Growth Accelerator.


2016-2019, Vinnova testbed
Partners: SWR, NSVA, Helsingborg, WIN, Ekobalans, LU, SLU, Thyréns, WSP, SHUB
Reco lab helps develop the world-wide system for collecting and handling food and toilet waste in properties of Oceanpiren in the Ocean Harbor district of central Helsingborg. Reco lab will be ready and operational in the autumn of 2020. 


2016-2019, Acqueau
Floodview creates a web-based decision support system for flood prediction and handling.
Partners: LU, WIN, SMHI, 4IT, Greenland (Canada), Aegir (France), AEMET (Spain)

Innovation through value networks (HaV, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management)


On behalf of HaV, WIN has written a report describing the innovation ecosystem in Sweden, the basics for innovation management and open innovation. The report cites examples on how to use a value network for creating open innovation for faster implementation and achieving set goals.