Marketplaces for
innovation matchmaking

Our mission is to speed up the change co-creating sustainable innovation and business opportunities!

WIN Water

WIN Water offers a market place for businesses and innovations within the fields of water. Using open innovation, we speed up the process of getting innovations to the market.

WIN Guard

WIN Guard was launched in 2016, following a request by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, with the aim of bringing innovative solutions to the public safety sector.

WIN Energy

WIN Energy is a marketplace and business network within the energy sector. Our aim is to enhance the speed of change in the energy area and we strive to bring commercially viable and sustainable innovations to the market quicker.

"As a Start-up, we gained significantly more at the WIN-meeting in comparison to an ordinary fair with similar companys"

Emma Ericson, Co-founder ATIUM

"The connection to the other networks; WIN Water and WIN Guard is very important. There are energy concerns everywhere today, not only in the energy sector. "

Liisa Fransson, RISE

"You have really managed to knock down the doors for innovation in public safety. A shared responsibility is easier to take together."

Daniel Abrahamsson, Smartish

"The collaboration with WIN has been invaluable for us. We definitely want the WIN team on board in future projects"

-Helena Grimm, environmental manager at Räddningstjänsten Storgöteborg, managing a fullscale PFAS treatment test in Gothenborg area. Juli 2021

Upcoming events

WIN Water Meeting

October 17 @ 09:00 - 11:00
APPLICATIONS OF SPONGE CITY CONCEPT IN EUROPE - WIN Water Meeting via Zoom on October 17th. Sign up ...


November 21 @ 09:00 - 12:00
WINWIN 2024. More info coming soon

Our mission is to speed up the change co-creating sustainable innovation and business opportunities!

Active members

Countries represented

Innovation companies

In the Loop