COLUMN – “The Innovations of Tomorrow Start Here”
WIN co-founder Patrik Söderlund reflects on the visionary forecasts WIN has boldly charted throughout the years.
WIN co-founder Patrik Söderlund reflects on the visionary forecasts WIN has boldly charted throughout the years.
Call for Innovation – We invite innovators, engineers, designers, and technicians to participate in “Future Transport Solutions for Emergency Services”, where your ideas can make a difference in critical rescue operations!
Patrik Josefsson has joined the WIN Team as the project manager for WIN Guard, effective from September 1. We sincerely welcome Patrik to WIN Guard and look forward to a prosperous future together!
On initiative from MSB, WIN Guard has created an Idea Box (Förslagslåda) to gather ideas and suggestions in innovations for the Swedish Rescue Services and other actors in public safety.
Spännande öppning hos Innovationsplattformen WIN i Lund. Tjänsten som eventkoordinator är ledig – välkommen med din ansökan!